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★★★★★ Doskonały 853
★★★★☆ Dobry 76
★★★☆☆ Średni 9
★★☆☆☆ Słaba 2
★☆☆☆☆ Straszny 1

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3 lata temu

super zabawka

3 lata temu

Prosta spawarka, mam nadzieje że się sprawdzi na dłużej. Bezproblemowa obsługa. Jak na pierwszą spawarkę myślę że odpowiednia.

3 lata temu


3 lata temu

Trudne ustawianie bo na potencjometrach tylko numery, a prąd pokazuje jedynie podczas spawania (bez pomocnika są bezużyteczne). Ale jak się już ustawi to spawa bardzo dobrze.

3 lata temu

I am absolutely thrilled about this welding machine. I did my research on youtube beforehand, but am positively surprised nontheless. The bundle contains basically everything needed to unpack, connect and start welding. The machine probably has one of the best price/performance ratios. Stick welding works flawlessly. The hot start prevents electrodes sticking and arc force works great as well, although I dont use the latter. As far as Tig welding is concerned, you have basically all of the functions needed to weld professional grade welds on rostfrei, aluminum, or mild steel. You have HF start, starting amperage, Argon preflow time, time till working amperage, DC welding (with pulse or without) or AC for aluminium, amperage fade out time, ending amperage, Argon post flow time. Basically everything to fine tune the machine for a perfect weld. The UI is easy. The body is sturdy, with a carying handle, suitable for workshop welding and terrain work. The included hardware is more than you could bargain for the price - smaller cups, bigger cups, tungsten electrodes of variable thicknes, Argon gas hose with clamps, gas flow regulator,.... And not to forget - option of connecting a pedal control for real time amperage control mid weld. 13/10!
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